Guidelines for Online Registration

For All Online Registrations

  1. It is mandatory to have a valid personal email id for communication.
  2. The online registration form will only be accepted upon successful online payment of the registration fees.
  3. Upon successful submission of your registration form, the system will generate:
    • An Acknowledgement Receipt with a Registration Number which you would need for all further correspondences. (Kindly ensure that the pop - up blocker is Turned Off).
    • Username and password would be mentioned in Acknowledgement Receipt for viewing and printing your form.
  5. The following documents need to be submitted physically at the school (between 9 AM to 1 PM on working days) for completing the online registration process:
    • Self-attested printout of the registration form.
    • Photograph of the child should not be more than 3 months old (if not already uploaded).
    • Self attested Copy of the original birth certificate of the child issued by the local Municipal Corporation.
    • Self attested valid government issued address proof eg. License, Passport, Voter ID, Aadhaar Card etc.
    • Copy of the progress report from the previous school (not applicable for Pre Nursery and Nursery applicants).
  7. Kindly fill in the particulars of the child (i.e. name, parentsā€™ names and date of birth) correctly.
  8. The date of birth filled in the form must tally with the birth certificate of the child.
  9. The Management of the school reserves all rights of admission or rejection and is not bound to give reasons for admission or rejection of any particular candidate.
  10. Incomplete registration forms or those with incorrect information will automatically stand rejected.
  11. Standard charges for Card Transactions and Net banking would be charged extra as per actual by the bank for using these services. These charges would be added to the Fee, post your selection of the respective payment mode in the Payment Portal.
  12. Registration does not guarntee admission.